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Is there another way to treat amblyopia besides patching? — Weekly Glance

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2 min read

Yes. NovaSight just announced the FDA clearance of CureSight, a digital therapy device for amblyopia.

How does it work?

CureSight is a digital device that trains the visual system to use both eyes simultaneously while the user watches any streamed video content through red-blue treatment glasses.

CureSight’s sophisticated algorithms and eye-tracking technology blurs the center of vision and, consequently, the image that is shown to the strong eye using real-time image processing.

This encourages the brain to complete the image using the fine details from the amblyopic eye image, training the two eyes to work as a team. The device is designed to be used at home, and it shares treatment reports with caregivers via a cloud portal.

What did the clinical trial show?

The study included 103 participants between 4 and 9 years of age who were randomly assigned to receive CureSight or eye patching. CureSight was shown to be noninferior to patching for amblyopia treatment in children.

In addition, BCVA improvement at week 16 was greater in the treatment group compared with the patching control group. Out of the patients who reached the 16-week visit, 79% in the CureSight group experienced a BCVA improvement of ≥ 2 lines in their amblyopic eye versus 61% in the patching group.

The CureSight device isn't available yet, but commercialization is underway. (via)

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